Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Walkies

Today we joined some friends and went for a walk up to Memory Grove Park, which abuts the Capitol Building in Salt Lake City.  It was a balmy 18 degrees, so we dressed up warmly and I did my best to keep the dogs out of the stream and ponds (they just cannot stay out of the water and I didn't want to drag along frozen pupsicles).

Allie really had a great time.  (Although she had a bit of a collision with Zephyr, one of her friends, and got knocked into the air as he ran by -- she's limping around a bit tonight.)

Zephyr said he was sorry.

We met some new friends along the way.

The dogs [mostly] stayed out of the water -- so they only had a few icicles hanging from their fur.

This is Zip -- he's a gorgeous little split-face BC who is looking for a forever home.  He's a great dog and is very friendly and loving.  Check out Zip's Webpage on Western Border Collie Rescue's website.

Rusty says "Ya'll come along with us on the next walk, ok?"