Although I would rather be heading up to the Soldier Hollow Sheepdog Trials this weekend, I have consented to go camping up in the Uinta Mountains with my spouse and teenager. Because my kid spent the summer working up in Yellowstone National Park with the Youth Conservation Corp., we didn't get as much camping in as we usually do. This also meant that the poor dogs spent more time at the boarding kennel than they usually do, much to their dismay.
So I will be heading out tonight with the throngs of folks desperate for one last opportunity to commune with nature before the weather starts to turn cold. However, it may be too late -- the weather prediction is for . . . r - a - i - n. At 10,000 ft. in elevation, rain often to turns to that fluffy frozen white stuff. (Guess I'd better pack a few extra blankets.)The dogs don't care about the weather and they are absolutely ecstatic to be going camping (I packed their travel bag with food and toys this morning, so they know they are going and they are wild with excitement.) I really hope that the weather prediction is wrong, because camping in snow is not my favorite activity.