Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's A Jungle Out There

At least my yard looks like one. We've had a bit of rain and it's been bit cooler, so all of the greenery has really taken off.

The dogs like it -- it's fun to roll in the long grass and to hide in the bamboo. It does make walking on the grass a little like walking through a minefield, however. You can't see the doggie droppings very easily, so I advise everyone to wear shoes (it's my 15 yr. old's job to "scoop poop" and unfortunately, he's a little hit-and-miss about it).

Allie reeaallly wants that ball to start flying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your yard is absolutely lovely. :) My yard is tee-niny and pickup is almost a full time job.